Before you watch this video, we would like to wholeheartedly thank everybody who took part in the challenges. We are so impressed with the skill levels displayed. It was great to see some of our more experienced players rise to the challenge but we are also happy to see so many children who perhaps don't have as much experience give the challenges a go. We are proud of you all! We also want to ensure you that a very entertaining montage video which involves the younger children (Junior Infants to First Class) is on the way! In this video we have chosen to show you the best catches, solo runs and hurling skills that we received. It is a video that includes some of the most exciting GAA prospects we have seen in the school in many years. You will see some spectacular catches and speedy solo runs by some very talented young players! There will also be some superb hurling pick ups while you will even get to see a Junior Infants boy belting the sliotar down the green with great conviction! Enjoy and thanks again to all who took part. Maybe we will do a similar challenge some other time in the future! We also really look forward to enjoying some of the videos for the song/dance/comedy/magic challenge
! But for now, enjoy these wonderful skills on show and keep up the practicing children. The competition for the challenges is already over but I understand that there might be a few children who didn't realize the deadline was so soon and have decided that they'd still like to take on one of the 30 second video challenges so I will extend the deadline until this Friday and hopefully we will be able to post it to the blog. You can email me at Hopefully, these videos of the children testing themselves will all give you a bit of a morale boost during this challenging time.