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November / December in Mr Lawlor's 4th Class


Artist Trading Cards - The children have been working very hard making artworks based on a different theme every week - Animals, Flowers, Mechanical, Space and Christmas to name a few.


Music Club - The children in the Music Club performed in The Mill singing Christmas Carols last week. They did an amazing job and raised funds for a local charity.


We had a visit from Kevin the Carrot...


Science Week - We had a super time working on our Science experiments learning about gravity/mass, air resistance and making our own fire extinguisher. Recently we also did an experiment on Empathy (The Smarties Test) which everyone enjoyed.


The children also worked hard on their Men's World Cup project where they discovered new things about some of the countries that were involved in the competition.


Finally, a glimpse of some wonderful Christmas Artwork. The children also got a chance to come to school dressed in their Christmas pyjamas...


A big thank you to everyone who helped get us here. Merry Christmas to everyone!!!


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